Isu Novels


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Personal Analysis

The theme thoughout the novel is sacrifice for love and happiness. There is a quote that could easily sum up most of what occured in the novel which is "If you love something let it go." John has to let Savannah goes, just as she has to let him go. John's father also must let go when John leaves for Iraq.The general story line was well laid out, and the ending was more realistic than most romance novels. John doesn't get the girl in the end, he experiences a lot of personal growth but with her help . Savannah also grows up through her experiences in the novel. In the beginning she is young and naive, and as the novel takes place she learns a lot about human nature, and the way the world works.Although this novel does not invoke deeper thought or narate about society and humanity, it is well written and a good read.

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