Isu Novels


Saturday, September 29, 2012



John Tyree was ruled by id and ego throughout most parts of the novel.
He had a low self-esteem.
He was a rebel in high school and wasn’t always the nice guy he is today. John Tyree used to hang out with the wrong crowd and flunked his classes, even though he knew he could do better. He didn’t always make the right decisions. Some nights he came home with his breath reeking of alcohol and his jacket lingering with the smell of smoke. He acted this way because he never had a stable parent to lay down the law for him. He took advantage of his lack of rules and control. While John grew out of his teenage years he was getting tired of his troubled life. He didn’t want to stay the way he was. He wanted a job and real friends. He then decided to join the army. The army was a good thing for John. He was finally doing something important with his life. He felt it actually mattered. During this time he became a stronger smarter man. His personality changed for the better. He was nicer and more genuine.

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